Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Celebrity news

Hollow articles, news papers or magazines without substantial information get sold in thousands and thousands of copies, usually the buyers don't even read all the articles and still they keep buying them for no reason, in fact this became the nr.1 problem for humanity and when they solve this one, the cure for cancer, the origins of the universe, reaching the speed of light and other unessential stuff will be solved by Kate Moss after a blow session. Are we seriously attracted by Lindsay Lohan's genital warts ? or does anybody care about Kelly Osbourne witch is nothing more than Ozzy's uglee daughter, send all the gossip journalists + all the paparazzi + all the wannabe's into the most remote part of Siberia and in max 6 months they will have a local celebrity magazine ... 1st page title "Perez Hilton ate yellow snow". Recently the Nobel prize winners were announced but nobody wrote more than 10 rows about the people which won them and about their work, yay !!! they wrote about Barack ( we are close friends ) winning the Nobel peace prize and yes he is peaceful, he also is the president of a country with a few ongoing wars and an astonishing high tech arsenal. Is Barack a celebrity ? or is he a public person ? ... he received the media credit for this edition and its understandable because the other Nobel prize winning physicians,chemists, doctors, writers don't have under their command the US military and they're not even married to Jacky Obama or is it Michelle Kennedy ?
I'm proud that I share the same citizenship with Herta Muller the 2009 literature Noble price winner, yes she is a smart Romanian person and like any other smart Romanian person she phucked off and left "the land of choice" as soon as she had the opportunity ( emigrated in Germany in the 80's ). The Romanian celebrity gossip scene is now investigating her roots, reveal her dark and horrible past " Herta Muller lived in a small German town, in a small house" ... stone the Biatch !!! It's a shame that we don't appreciate the true values and brilliant minds like Henry Coanda, Constantin Brancusi and now Herta Muller which had to achieve extraordinary performances in a foreign place because they hungered in their country. It's easier to appreciate a blond tramp flashing her tits in front of the camera than following a bunch of guys encoding the DNA on an empty stomach.
If we keep going like this we will end up as a bunch of fucktards with Victoria Beckham as president.

This was deep ...

Aaaaaciu !!!

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