Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I make things look better

I should play in some TV commercials, companies would have huge sales after people see me advertising stuff. Besides that I'm aware I am a sex symbol and outrageously cool I realized objects tend to get a special glow in my presence, only applies to objects that I like.
For instance the company which I work for has 3 Dacia Logan with the same color same engine and a few other better cars and still the car I'm driving looks way better than the other cars, it almost competes with the Lexus owned by my boss ( but keep this a secret he'd might want to trade cars ). So I don't know if I look at my company car in a different manner but fact is that some of my coworkers would change their company car with mine or they might even try and steal it from me. It's true I keep it clean and take care of it and I only expect it to look cleaner than the other 2 identical cars but it's more like a Dacia Logan goddess than a clean Dacia Logan. This extraordinary gift that I have gets me a lot of enemies because from 2 identical objects I always get the better looking one, not to mention that some people think I'm a douche for having superior gear. All the kids in the neighborhood had Super Nintendo's mine was an epic console and it even had a name. If you appreciate the stuff that you own and take extra special care of them they mess with your brain they posses you somehow and transform you in a carebear.

Over and out
Signed: The better looking carebear

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