Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Everything goes !

Here is the thing, for a while now I'm fascinated with the behavior of people and how everybody pretends to be disgusted by subjects involving porn, cheating, drugs, personal kinks, fetishes, addiction and other stuff. I've been looking around, at faces, tried to figure out how persons act in order to hide their true nature, how they try to beat natural instincts with discipline, some act pretty well while others are ridiculous. To make this more clear, for instance I know a guy who pretends to be interested only in the serious things in life and pretends to be guided by morality without exceptions and apparently is not interested in gossip and cheap entertainment. It happened I had to send some E-mails form his computer (at his workplace) and while looking after the documents I had to attach to my E-mails, I was surprised to find a download folder full of porn and fucked up music (oriental rhythm, lyrics about money, cars, women, love, enemies, broken heart similar to trash rap, performed by gipsies), I was amazed ! I had to look deeper and went for his browsing history ... damn ! he used that pc for porn only, who would search for "alien porn" or "mail-order porn stars", do I need to mention the stack of celebrity magazines on his desk ? The opposite happens with persons who are identified as being involved in the wrong activity, how come that all gold diggers and known whores are interested in science and charity ? they need to balance out the rot with something noble. I'm pretty sure I wont find a quantum physics treaty on their pc either. However I don't blame nor judge anybody but it creeps me how well we conceal our true nature and how judgmental some are ... its pure guilt and the fear of being discovered triggers a violent response !
Nobody should go balls out and admit he's a glue and gossip addict, some restrain is mandatory but in a friends circle when all others talk about their experiences with substance or affairs should be okay to share and that is the best way to realize that nothing freakish is going on with you, other people are doing it too and its fine as long as it does not cause any harm or is abusive towards others ... in that case one went to far and probably need to be put down. For a few years now I'm reading a website called reddit.com, people publish funny pictures, openly talk about different subjects in a civilized and objective manner(most of the time), users publish "ask me anything" "I am a" "today I learned" topics and by the anonymity offered by the internet, questions and opinions are shared without to much judging (again most of the time, there are exceptions also). I've seen some interesting things going on there, from "IAMA Area 51 former employee AMA" or "AMA my grandmother was a secretary in the project Philadelphia, she will answer your questions" to "AMA I'm a guy who had sex with his sister" <----<< ok this went to far, I'm not judging him but its kinda sick.

I was stunned by the amount of serious questions and the guy answered as many as possible, pregnancy scares ? or have you ever been caught ? everything was asked and from the comments I could tell people were pretty cool about it, some pretended to have "a weird boner" ... the discussion went on and on until some guy pointed out that the story was actually a hoax. There is a need to be able to talk freely under the protection of anonymity this could actually help a lot of people and if the subject I mentioned before was tolerated, then where is the limit ? everything goes under anonymity ? it shouldn't be such a surprise then if you find out your parents are married just to be in line with the society and live a secret life.
Regarding reddit.com ... its an awesome tool if you want to get an idea about how people really are and this not in a bad way.

Good ! this being sorted ! lets listen to this:

Lyrics: wubwubwub nehnehweeh yoi yoi yoi whabwuhb

1 comment:

  1. What we really want is the delusional Christmas time of our childhood days. We expect too much of Christmas, anyway.
