Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I killed 2010

2010 died like a rabid dog in terrible pain and somehow I managed to recover from a gaming addiction I had for the past four months. Even though stuff was happening in my life I was busy leveling my mage to ultimate badassery, of course after a while I realized that the time I spent playing can be used doing real things.
Been last September to a work related fair in Germany, it was the largest waste water/water supply equipment fair in the world. Seen some awesome things met interesting people and of course established connections with new business partners ... some of them are pretty cool, others suck ass with their company politics and suspicious behavior, the cunts wont trust Romanians, they must have their reasons considering that 90% of Romanian business men are shady fat ass thick necked crooks. Germany seems to be a decent country, clean, civilized but to neat for my taste, they clean and arrange stuff at night instead of sleeping. I had a revelation the last day there, food affects your taste in everything, after a week of eating 1 million types of sausages with cabbage, pork soup with pork stakes and pork desert, everything became clear ... high cholesterol food provides mucho energy. Germans wont change their high protein exclusively meat based diets and if they wont use the wind in their sails by organizing blitz krieg's they will clean shit up until it shines and also hump the brutes they like to call women.
Meet the German Paris Hilton:

she modeled for my camera while I had a walk in Munich.
Late September brought back an skanky celebration in my town, the so called "Chestnut festival". Imagine an average park overtaken by Gypsy traders which use the playgrounds, bushes as their personal toilets. In this urea stench filled atmosphere some trashy bands are performing in the background while everybody is munching meat balls. Some spend 3 days in this splendid ambiance and died afterward due to extreme cases of miserable character and low self esteem.
Some of our friends got married, nice wedding good fun and everything but somehow this reminds me of my fiancees cousin ... yep she managed to piss me off really bad before the wedding. For God knows what reason she paid us a visit, I was on my computer writing some stuff for my mother and she started picking on me how much of a computer nerd and hardcore gamer I am, I was like what the fuck ? why do you even bother talking to me ?
October was the worst month of 2010, usually I pride myself with my job and always used to love coming in the office but not anymore ... I'm fucking pissed off, demotivated, knackered and not willing to be a pleasant presence anymore. The young hot shots in the company wanted to make some changes, hired a professional grumpy fucktard to support the activity and in combination with a good for nothing associate they planned world domination. Suddenly a brilliant idea of a commercial office emerged were all the people involved in such activities should be put together in the same office ... even if they work for three different companies. 1st it was presented as a bad idea which I rejected because it wont be productive to work in a tensed environment. They finally managed to establish this super office ... so here I am with Pinky and The Brain in the same office. I must admit that I considered quitting this job just because I got pushed around like a piece of furniture but since I planned to immigrate in Canada and I need a certain continuity in the field of work here I am in this lethargic state. I kinda freaked out a little bit and the idea was that we should support each others activities, fine and dandy but there is a small problem ... the new guy was hired as a general manager for one of the companies but that wanker can't make the difference between a word and an excel document, cant type, does not speak English,German not sure about Romanian he asked me a few times how to spell certain words. I'm not willing to support such a douche's activity, he can screw himself with a broomstick I'm not paid for this and I'm pretty sure he makes 3 times more than I do.
Awesome !!! at the beginning of November a fairy came to me and told me I need to go to a training 2 consecutive weekends ... are weekends free ? what the fuck are you doing ? planing my free time in advance ? made a little bit of research about this training and it turned out it wont help my activity whatsoever because it was meant for people which want to start their own businesses. In an audience with the princess I explained that this was a waste of my time and it wont help, I received an arrogant answer "This is not a democracy" ... well ok fuck you then my revenge will be so sweet. Went to that retarded dumb ass training were a bunch of lame fucks
wasted my time. Fast forward !!! Christmas was quick the new years eve was not longer than 3 glasses of JD while barbecuing some ribs. Traveled to Hungary on the 1st January were one of our friend had a horrible kidney crisis, we spent the night in the emergency room and traveled back in the morning, the plan was to chilax in a SPA complex.
Next one will be about a movie I got yesterday and if you are a true rock'n roller you will love it !
but 1st check out these 2 geezers taking a piss on the young generation ... brilliant !!!

Banzai !!!

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