Monday, August 23, 2010

Elder people are annoying !

Well ... they are ! just because they need to wake up early morning and agglomerate the institutions, buses, markets basically each and every place which should be free for the working class. The morning rush is not the same without the full buses. I had to get some blood tests this morning, of course early wake up to make it in time for work ... surprise surprise a fucking mob of used people was already waiting in line. Perfect way to start a week ... early morning wake up, queuing with a bunch of smelly farts, getting a needle in your arm and late for work.
I agree they are bored they want to fill their time with stuff, but they are taking it to an extreme, seriously ! why do they ask the counter lady the same question 10 times ? to get her annoyed and start an argument ? or what the fuck is going on ?
So in my country ( you know financial paradise with banned iPhone's ) elder people will be allowed out only after rush hours and their interaction with the health system will be made trough user unfriendly medicine dispensers just to make them lose hope and quit.
If you've got all the time in the world why hurry ? why leave the house so early in the morning ? drink your tea, read the newspaper, get a daily shower cause you stink ( most old people stink, not because of the age because they are fucking dirty ), open the windows let fresh air in, download tv series or do whatever.
Worst thing is when I hear them complaining about today's youth, how everything is so wrong and how good their life under the communist regime was, no shit dudes ! really that awesome ? memba the cold winters without heat and electricity, or the the empty fridge, or the fear of free speech, or living with 2 kids in a 2 room apartment, the same holidays at the seaside in those fucked up resorts, or not working while being at work, stealing everything you could ... lame right ? oh wait you made it lame and you complain about about the youth ? Allow me ! I will pull the plug on you !
Oh and please don't ask me to let you in front !!!
Take example he is old but he is cool

Up your's !

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