Sunday, August 29, 2010

I want to break free

So I saw the other day "Filth and Wisdom" I loved the movie, Eugene Hutz form Gogol Bordello was exceptional, funny jokes, good story, even though the movie was directed by Madonna I could feel Guy Ritchie's influence. On the other had my girl friend watched SALT the latest movie with Angelina Jolie ... she was so impressed with it I had to watch it ( was hoping to see Gia again, Gia was her best role so far ).
The movie was a huge empty action balloon she kicked a lot of people around and that was it ... but these movies are not the point !
My girlfriend promised her auntie I will bring her the latest Angelina movie, which is so awesome. I expressed my opinion about the movie beeing hollow without content, commercial crap meant to entertain the zombies and told her about my movie. Of course her auntie did not agree with my comment and told me stuff like "chacun à son goût" ( everybody has got his own taste ), of course I explained how wisdom can emerge from filth, how people learn life lessons and change. The minute before we were talking about tolerance, now my taste is rubbish ? I'm so sorry but I can't reason in such conditions and prefer to shut my trap and look for the exit ... this is not how I roll. Making a point could be interpreted as arrogance. Wisdom gained, I will never ever make comments about stuff I consider worthless nor share my knowledge or preferences with certain people. If people want to eat frozen shit on a popsicle let them eat it, laugh your soul out, enjoy the show.
Can't wait to arrive at my destination, the place were I can express my self without taking other peoples opinion force feed ... get my ink, wear my clothes and be the master of my universe.

Say no to slavery !!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Super gay or just nice ?

I kinda always liked Robbie Williams, never liked "take that" but Robbie is ok . He is like a motherfucker dressed as a gentleman and some of his clips are great ... my personal favorite:

awesome hah ?

Before he rocked he played in a boy band, yep 5 fucktards singing about matching souls, dancing after some choreography and God knows what else they did. Robbie got sick of that crap had a huge fight with the band leader bye bye band.
Here we are 15 years later they thought it would be cool to make up and forgive eachother, this is the result:

Shame from RWL on Vimeo.

not sure what to think about this mess, sounds rather beetleish some say, other say the last scenes are cold mountainish ... so group reunited ? hope not !

I'm getting soft ... no wonder my girlfriends feeds me with antibiotics to kill a stomach bacteria which 90% of the planet's population has.

"Filth and Wisdom" on !

Monday, August 23, 2010

This guy is great

Dalai Lama’s 18 rules for living

At the start of the new millennium the Dalai Lama apparently issued eighteen rules for living.

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three Rs:
1. Respect for self
2. Respect for others
3. Responsibility for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day.
9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.


Elder people are annoying !

Well ... they are ! just because they need to wake up early morning and agglomerate the institutions, buses, markets basically each and every place which should be free for the working class. The morning rush is not the same without the full buses. I had to get some blood tests this morning, of course early wake up to make it in time for work ... surprise surprise a fucking mob of used people was already waiting in line. Perfect way to start a week ... early morning wake up, queuing with a bunch of smelly farts, getting a needle in your arm and late for work.
I agree they are bored they want to fill their time with stuff, but they are taking it to an extreme, seriously ! why do they ask the counter lady the same question 10 times ? to get her annoyed and start an argument ? or what the fuck is going on ?
So in my country ( you know financial paradise with banned iPhone's ) elder people will be allowed out only after rush hours and their interaction with the health system will be made trough user unfriendly medicine dispensers just to make them lose hope and quit.
If you've got all the time in the world why hurry ? why leave the house so early in the morning ? drink your tea, read the newspaper, get a daily shower cause you stink ( most old people stink, not because of the age because they are fucking dirty ), open the windows let fresh air in, download tv series or do whatever.
Worst thing is when I hear them complaining about today's youth, how everything is so wrong and how good their life under the communist regime was, no shit dudes ! really that awesome ? memba the cold winters without heat and electricity, or the the empty fridge, or the fear of free speech, or living with 2 kids in a 2 room apartment, the same holidays at the seaside in those fucked up resorts, or not working while being at work, stealing everything you could ... lame right ? oh wait you made it lame and you complain about about the youth ? Allow me ! I will pull the plug on you !
Oh and please don't ask me to let you in front !!!
Take example he is old but he is cool

Up your's !

Monday, July 19, 2010

Little big things

I could never understand alcoholic husbands,I used to blame them and consider them stupid. Turns out most of them are the intelligent half of the couple, trying to be efficient into guiding the other half on the right, moral and low stress path. Alcohol is not the best solution, unfortunately it starts with a regular glass of wine which serves as a mild anesthetic for the daily grind. Of course [quote]wine is fine but whiskey is quicker [/quote] but soon you'll end up looking like a 80 year old underfed mine worker. Living together with a woman proved to be a hardcore experience for me. Shit is tough when you get to argue over every little thing, I know I'm not an easy person to deal with but I can suck it up pretty good if she knows were to stop ... sometimes she wont shut up and keeps repeating the same bullshit like a fucking damaged vinyl record. If you sit in bed trying to read a book you bought 3 months ago, play your MMORPG, try to watch an episode of american dad and someone is shouting the same thing over and over again ... you might lose your temper and spend a night on the couch because you wont be able to rest besides her for being a bitch and hating her gut. Sounds like I'm really frustrated and probably I am but I will solve this problem soon, her lack of perspective scares the shit out of me and something needs to be done. Under any circumstances I wont start drinking and such but probably I will spend more time playing, reading and watching TV series.
I'm wondering how some couples manage to live in harmony without an exciting activity or awesome dreams ... for now she embraced and accepted my future plans, which is awesome and also a small victory for me. Basically this is my experience regarding my life under my own roof. I imagined that everything would be so different turns out I'm kinda loosing time somewhere and everything is exactly the same.
Everything is repeating people are exactly the same, elder folks have the same suspicious evil behavior, young chaps are like dogs guarding their territory, drunks ... each and every block has a few.
2 week holiday was a total waste of time, bored the hell out of me at least I got sleep a lot.

OK time to be grumpy ! and watch this guy drum the shit out of his drums.

Hahaha I have a face book account ... face book is for fags, ok ok I will take this one for face book
make sure people can see the nature behind ( I'm hardcore nature lover ): check
make sure they can see the brand of my shirt: check
make sure I make a duck face: check
smile mysteriously: check
get some blond bimbo's in your pictures: check
be an utterly disgusting asshole ... tongue kiss some chick in the club: check

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Raining like a motherfucker !

It's been now like 4 weeks of constant rain and its boring. Mather of fact we didn't move into the new apartment because we don't have internet nor TV cable yet. It's almost impossible to get any outdoors activity and sitting inside without a distraction is madness ( madness ?!?! this is boooooooring !!! ). I spent my evenings in front of the PC, browsing the web for movies, music, music videos, interesting articles and crazy french stuff.
The french are insane 1st I discovered the Invader guy and there he was Cédric BLAISBOIS, movie maker and stuff like this. He is the true enemy of people with photosensitive epilepsy, flashes of light fast scene changes and ...

"CORPORATE OCCULT" Huoratron Music Video from Cédric BLAISBOIS on Vimeo.

"FLESH" Mr Flash Music video from Cédric BLAISBOIS on Vimeo.

... hot chix in pseudo porn flix.
Beside the kinky crap the videos are interesting.
Also got some good bad ass movies like "Bronson" and "Chopper" about prison and mental sanity behind bars, pretty cool.
The best thing about being bored is that I managed to install Windows 7 ... yes my pc is like a pretty ballerina now, all fancy and stuff.

Were the fuck did I left my umbrella ?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Life as a foreigner or a life without soul

A permanent struggle with myself, I tried my best to push these urges somewhere in a dark corner of my mind ... it wont work, I have to leave Romania as soon as possible. I cant complain about poor living nor lack of material belongings but I feel I'm wasting my potential, my opportunities and certainly I don't want to see my child growing up in a blank place looking up to some worthless piece of shit on TV. Everybody tells me stuff like "do you think the roads are pawed with gold there ?" ... but those empty skulls wont ever understand what I'm really looking for. What am I looking for ? under any circumstances I'm not looking for easy money rather I'm looking to master my trade, to become a skilled person, I'm looking for walks in nice clean parks, I'm chasing smiles on streets, I wish to pedal my bike trough traffic without getting bloody, I don't want to see politicians robbing the country, I want to wear my tattoo's with pride without being criticized, I want to ride a speed bike on a highway, I want to skate in skate parks without crashing into retired people, I want to sort garbage, I want to be treated in proper equipped and cleaned hospitals ... I need to live amongst civilized people. Unfortunately I've got a few set backs,
- 1st: my life companion thinks after the pattern, I'm sure she will enjoy her life like never before if we move away and she will thank me for taking the decision, kinda easy to solve this problem, if I cant make her see beyond the told stories about how hard it is to resist a life as a stranger ( told by the ones without soul, the ones which chase the quick buck ), I will blackmail her with things which she wont accept loosing no mater the price she has to pay.
- 2nd: and probably the main reason is me and me being really circumspect about all major decisions which could affect my life in an uncontrolled way, I will try to get motivation from somewhere and act, how many unskilled people from my neighborhood managed to leave and stay ... why did they managed to get a job without language knowledge, without education ? would I be able to make things work out ? yes ! most likely since I'm not shy working and capable to figure out a way to find my place.
The ideal place for me would be New York but for the beginning any other place to build my skills will do and the apartment near central park has to wait for a while.
I do have plans to conquer my self a happy life and by all means necessary I'll manage to leave everything behind and live my life as I want to, not as some like me to.
Why should I stay ? should I waste my years waiting for the change ? the rusty and broken play grounds, the student hating teachers, the high level corruption, the ridiculous health system, bureaucracy ... could my subconscious be addicted to this garbage ? My parents will suffer but eventually they will come along also.
Some day soon, it will happen and I wont change my mind.

Mr. Lemmy's poem is the perfect description for the shade of black my soul has right now

I hate ...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Natural stuff considered not moral or even banned

Yeah right ! even though it shouldn't be banned I won't write about Marijuana because it became trendy to complain about the banned weed. If somebody questions my position towards drugs I'm tolerant ... dope, crack, tooth paste, mushrooms, LSD, ecstasy (mdma's), speed, PCP's, nitrous oxide, acid, methamphetamine, dextromorphan hydrobromide (dxm), cough syrup, ketamine and the rest should be legalized and served to kids also ... fuck it ! we are to many on this freaking planet anyway. Ok ! today's thought is not about drugs nor banned substances, it is about the modern society judging itself. Judging the basic human needs and catalog them as immoral, today you are immoral if you let one out, or you are immoral if you get hick ups or burp after drinking a cup of soda, way beyond immoral if you really have to take a crap on the side of the road ( milk and fruit don't mix that well ), people get outraged if you really have to piss on a tree in the park, runny noses would make each fagot puke in public ( regurgitating is as natural as taking a nice steamy log shaped piece of shit ), ohohohohoooo you become the laugh of the village if you get caught wanking (I never did it myself but I heard most people do it = normal ). Lets be honest, seeing somebody pissing or taking a crap is not a pleasant sight but its more unpleasant to hold it with terrible cramps and eventually shit yourself, and believe me not everybody enjoys taking a crap in the public. Last summer while walking in the park and old man was taking a discreet leak, a lady walking a dog in front of me was talking to her husband " look that old man is taking a piss in public, what a disgusting thing to do", few more steps they came to a halt "wait ! Rex is taking a poop", Rex took the poop but forgot to wipe and the lady had a really good comment " look honey he's got a dingle berry on his hair ... just like humans". Criticizing an old gentleman for taking care of an urgent need just to admire your dogs dingle berry the next minute is just a perfect reflection of today's society, FUCKING HYPOCRITES.
Good ! it happens but not very often to piss or shit in the public, how about farting ? A healthy person farts like 150/day and still most of us look awkward if somebody next to us can't hold them in. Does it happen to travel by train/bus, or sitting at the office and feeling the need to put some weights in your pockets to prevent an sure lift off ? Believe me ! you will fly away for not using your anal acoustics. All natural acts relief the body of toxins and bad smell, but they also produce certain amount of pleasure (if not having kidney stones or anal ruptures), this subject might be taboo in some houses but not here, we talk about what ever I please here.
Been serious enough for one day lets put some smiles on those faces, check out this guy:

Hey Hillary Clinton did it also ... he's only a mere student without clothes.
Be careful with those ass thunders you might airbrush your boxers.

Pârț !

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Space invaders

That's right space invaders, most of you know them as ignorant fellow citizens or rude drivers. Remember that day you walked in the park and in the middle of the alley some twat parked his SUV and you had to walk around it in the mud ? or do you know the people which like to breath in the back of your neck while queuing ? or the fat asshole which comes on the buss and stands really really close to you ?
Besides stealing your personal space the space invaders have the extraordinary capacity to steal time ... it sounds fancy but it is so, how do they steal time ?
Stealing time is really simple 1st they have to waste their own and complain about having none left, 2nd they call you while you are taking an afternoon nap ( you can afford it because you have plenty of it )and asking to get shit done for them, or requesting some utterly retarded things from you, things which they are to lazy to organize themselves.
Of course the best thing to do against these invaders is to buy a fucking spaceship with upgraded laser cannons, kill the jocks and advance to next level ... this will get you absolutely nowhere ! If you cant afford the upgrades for your laser guns nor the spaceship, no problem mate ! you can protect your personal space with a few simple tricks ( paper and pen would come in handy here ):
- get nasty if some unauthorized cunt intrudes in your personal space, pretend you know them from somewhere ( for confidence and such ) and then ... start farting, talk rubbish, act loony, ask phone numbers; credit card numbers; e-mail; home address, talk about your sexual fantasies, invent some airborne disease you've got, play with saliva, spoil the latest movies by telling how they end and of course talk about how bad they look.
Defending yourself against time invaders there is a really simple phrase which needs some training "I'm really busy right now, I've got no time", then improvise some really intricate activity which confuses them. If they wont implode like Super Mario when remaining out of time it means they were trying to cut corners. These are the bad space invaders ... which suck hairy asses !
These are the space invaders I like:
An urban art movement started in 1998 by a french guy which calls himself Invader, he managed to set up an artistic invasion around the world.
By means of graffiti and mosaic they took over the planet, personally I like this kind of "space invasion" ... thinking about joining them and organize a funky sticker propaganda against random parking and personal space invaders ( I'm a mean space invader, please destroy me ! )
Use this classic to get some training:

Space Invaders made by Neave Games

Meh !

Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm a geezer !

Whats up mengz ?

Here I am ! about to sleep my last days in my parents house before moving in my fly apartment. I'm kinda having trouble sleeping at night thinking about having to do everything by myself, gotta be mentally disabled to move away form perfect 7 star hotel living conditions. Not even a seven star hotel can offer so much benefits like my parents house,if I was to give away 1 star / benefit Aladin's palace in Saudi Arabia would look like a joke. All hotels offer the same crap like:
- laundry, also got it at home with a guarantee that my shirt is not washed along with some Arabs stinky underwear
- food served at the table or in bed, my mom does this for me ... she wont spit in my burger
- great panorama, brushing my teeth each morning admiring a beautiful hill covered with thick forest and singing birds bring me fresh spring water to wash me face.
- fighting/martial arts events, my neighbor fights his Moldavian son in law on a regular basis ... sometimes that Moldavian tramp gets on my nerves also but Doru kicks his ass, yep Doru the neighborhood legend is my champ
- kinky strip shows, I promised some window shaver pics didn't I ... here they are, cant find the video tough :

she also does feet behind neck yoga moves to reach those hard accessible areas, but this is not a porn site ... a little bit of tease should be enough for a wank.
- freak shows, just have to go downstairs and I've got a weirdo circus, even made a poster for them:

form left to right: grandpa freak ( awesome stache dude ), daddy freak ( he only likes beer ), little girl freak ( her head will explode, air traffic will get shut down due to a cloud of no future ), mum ( no job + no period + no birth control = freak accident ... wondering about the baby )
- concierge, there is always somebody in front of the door, whether its an old neighbor with a broken hip or a gypsy man wearing heels, somebody is always there.
- internet connection, without any firewalls or "moral block"
Basically all respectable hotels should have this kind of services but which one would offer them for free ?
No worries I've planned some great activities for the new place also, thinking about opening up a knitting and a pastry shop. My future neighbors will be delighted, I mean the old but still golden babes will have to do work which they enjoy doing without money. A relaxed schedule like 3 hours / day would be enough, they could bake and knit till they go crazy. Almost forgot 3 hours of sleep that is, don't try to fool me on signing a confusing contract you old hoes !

Can't believe how much crap I wrote again, just listen to the new Slash album, if you're asking yourself who the fuck is Slash better think about who the fuck are you.
Also eat a sack of oranges each day and watch Cheech And Chong.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Attention disappointing end !

Good !!! now that I have your attention here are my new adventures

Hello my dear and abandoned blog, hello dear readers ... whats up ?

I wont waste any words on how hard or stressful the last period of my life was, instead I will share my latest adventure. Just before Christmas I had a huge fight with my girlfriend and also with my beloved parents and I decided to piss all over them and take life in my own hands. Went to the bank retrieved all my savings and took the first flight to UK Liverpool John Lennon Airport. The weather in Liverpool was absolutely gorgeous, not a cloud in the sky and pretty warm I considered it to be my good luck charm.
The airport was very crowded, the Queen visited Liverpool and was about to leave on her private plane ... so what more can I ask for ? warm sunny day and I met the queen in my 1st day in the great UK.
Took a cab from the airport to the motel I've booked a room for the 1st week, taxi driver was the perfect stereotype, turban wearing six fingered punjabi with an appetite for small talk and sunflower seeds. Took a quick shower, unpacked my luggage and took a nap for the next couple of hours. A loud knock in the door woke me up, it was the cleaning service, the woman opened the door with her master key just before I managed to find the keys. The maid was in her late 20's and she had some sort of a condition but still she was a really nice presence and since she was my 1st contact I asked her for directions, the town hot spots, she kindly recommended a few pubs and public places ... got dressed and off I was. I landed in downtown Liverpool and entered the 1st pub I saw the people seemed tired and bored, got myself a glass of Orange juice and while studying the people around, the bartender asked me if I'm looking for somebody, I told him its my 1st day in Liverpool and continued to talk with him about various problems. The guy was a huge thing with soft eyes and it seemed he had a fierce reputation because all the other guests who knew him behaved and obeyed his directions. The next evening he invited me in the pub for the Christmas eve celebration. I got to know a lot of people, which were ready to die for FC Liverpool, I met a few interesting ladies also but the most interesting was my chat with Collin the pub owner which offered me a job around the pub ... job gladly accepted.
The following days I spent more and more time at the pub and tried to help around to get used with the work there, Collin told me not to get involved because my job will not be as a bartender or waiter and I should enjoy my time in the pub until the 3rd of January. So there I was enjoying life, meanwhile I got a room just above the pub, rent free and close to work and I was really happy with my other neighbors which worked as "cabaret" dancers. I felt like a newborn man with a new identity, everything was so nice, my neighbors were looking after me, Colin got me in touch with different peoples which couldn't wait to see me on my new job. The new years eve party was a blast, good food, really nice women, good music, nice chit chat with my new friends. While having my 1st coup of milk in 2010 Colin came up in my room and asked me to take his car near a small village and get some things from some people, he handed me a list with items and his car keys. After a quick look on the list I thought Colin is about to set up a game room of some sort, I had to pick up 3 LCD TV's, 2 laptops, some sort of receivers, and 4 hifi video cameras. The car was an old Vauxhall with a good engine and of course with the steering wheel on the wrong side. I met one of the guys from the pub on the side of the road in that village and he took me to a shed filled with state of the art electronic equipment which were probably stolen from somewhere. Got the stuff back to Colin's and we started to put the ware in place right away. Yep I was about to work at an illegal bookie agency, which had a boxing ring, metal doors, no windows, and well placed video cameras. Work started on Sunday evening with a full house and 3 boxing matches 2 between men and 1 between women, people placed bets on horses, on fighters, on football teams, cricket games ... and like a good bookie agency most of them lost. First couple of nights were my period of accommodation and after that I received nice tips on fights from Colin and I placed my own bets which got me my pay since nobody payed me a salary. Things were so great, I was living the good life, top models had to make appointments to take me out .... felt like a British prince. Work payed really well and I could afford Mondays and Tuesdays to fly over in London for quick escapades, fast cars, expensive clothes, easy women and good food.
Fuck me ! I'm quite the bullshitter ... a fucking gangster stereotype story which gets everybody' s attention.
Well my life lately was not so interesting, I'm still working in my apartment, still having the best relationship with my family and friends, not depressed ... just busy and willing to get work done for the new apartment which became my top priority.
Winter holidays passed really quick, had a nice trip in Hungary to some aqua park which I find quite boring, January got me engaged ... yes I bought a ring and I proposed ... she accepted. The bag of poss living under my parents apartment is still there waiting for another baby. Got a new neighbor which likes to shave in the window ... more about her in a future post ( got pics and vids :D )
The rest of the world still sucks hairy donkey balls ( you are an exception )and I felt asleep while watching a pirated version of the blue alien movie.

Spring what are you waiting for ????

since we like the Brits here is a bunch of tough fags singing a song for you

/mnom mnom toothpaste