Sunday, April 10, 2011

Do your kids a favor !

Hah ! favors they come in different shapes and prices, are the expensive ones the most valuable ? or the free ones ?
It's 00:51 and I had a long day to think about it, woke with the remains of a funny dream .. I dreamed about my childhood, my funny, always sunny childhood and I guess I will remember certain episodes all my life. We had an elderly couple as neighbors and for some reason they always liked to pick an argument with us, there was always something, playing to loud, made a mess with paper cornets which we blew out of plastic tubes, sometimes we missed our slingshot targets (usually placed under a window), they made us feel guilty. The lady was pretty large and man was as skinny as a thin wire, 1st we named her "the wale" shortly after he became sharky. Me and my childhood mates used to hang out in front of the block's entrance especially on hot summer afternoons, that place seemed cooler, we stood there and played card games, reading french comics and do what boys usually do. Like always when we had fun, the aqua couple picked on us, not sure whether they went to far that particular time or our balls grew. Started yelling about some flowers which dried out calling us worms and loud rats in the process, we talked back, called them by their small names, reminded something about her eating everything while her husband leaves for soda (soda was the shit back then, we had a stainless steel 10l canisters which we filled at a neighbors shop) and leaving him hungry. At some point they had enough and went back inside, but we continued with the attacks, we attached an apple on a long stick and used it to bang in their windows while singing a song about fishes. Of course when my parents came home from work they were informed about my deeds and well I couldn't sit right for a few days ... they even made me apologize (which was embarrassing).
The whole point of this late night writeorama is that as a child I was always told to be kind, respect others, say please/thank you, wash my hands, don't swear, fear the wolf the snake and the gypsy. If you ask me some of these teachings would be useful in a fantasy society but not the one in which we are living and therefore are just a load of moral and ethical bullshit !
For instance why should I teach my kid to respect an abusive grownup, abusive could mean a lot of things for children are really sensitive, does the age grant the right to behave like a brain dead salad tosser ? never heard of such rights !
We are living in a competitive society am I right ? why should I teach my child to be calm and kind say please and thank you ? no ! I wont do it, instead I will tell him to get whats his and take it before everybody, don't ask for permission if he has the right to have it, in the end middle finger up in the air, pants down so they can lick his ass because he is the man !
We grow up fearing the wolf and the snake, adoring the bear and the lion, what the fuck people ? wolves are not that dangerous as bears are, without snakes we would have rat plagues and other nasty problems, nobody says to pet a snake but don't fucking kill it when it crosses your path, he is more scared than you are. You know what a snake thinks when he sees a human ? the snake thinks about growing a pair of Usain Bolt feet and run the fuck away, or kick humans in the nuts !
Pay great attention what you tell you kids, they might have huge problems later in life, kindness, respect, friendship, wisdom are things which must be earned, a minimum amount of decency should suffice the rest must be earned.
Most of these things come from religious interpretations and are not compatible with the modern society, teach your children to live in the real world not some fairy tale trap, do them a favor and prepare them.

While educating listen to this:

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Tranquility ... because it doesent make any sense.

Lately I realized that my way to handle things which don't function as they're supposed to is with anger an rage, but not anymore. Honestly I will stop caring that much, screw it, at work things look like shit, my office colleague is a grey whining and very moody fuck, a few neighbors managed to piss me off in the past, my beloved fiance likes to tell me the same thing 10 times in a row just because she likes to hear her talk, family ... I take them as they are. Not worth getting sick over something which doesn't matter at all, instead I will action calm, If I don't like something I will try to change it and make things better for me, everything with a smile on my face. Revenge and uber badass fist pummeling are things of the past, abusing these pages with angry writing is still awesome and I will keep doing it because is entertaining and I find it funny.
We people are a funny kind, we try to take the weight of the world on our shoulders, make things runs, fix this, fix that, schedule spare time (what the shit ? my spare time does not need any planing, if I feel like washing the dishes or answering my phone I will do it, if not screw it let me enjoy my stinky feet or whatever)... nano boogers swimming against the stream.
Most will think that being calm is a sign of weakness, actually remaining calm is a good exercise of self control, which could be useful at some point. Yesterday one of my colleagues asked me if I could help him and assist as a witness because the police is about to inspect his car which he bought from his brother who is suspected of dealing drugs and stuff. My colleague was terrified absolutely freaked out, the guys from the organized crime squad were acting friendly trying to get as much information as possible from my colleague, played a bit with his head. Since I was not involved I didn't care so I was calm and could observe how they were playing him. Turned out the car was clean as a whistle and my colleague calmed down,they took us "down town" for the paper work. The police hq in my town is pretty busy, special forces in stand by (packing automatic weapons), shackled crooks taken for auditions, people crying ... bloody depressing. I almost felt guilty only for being there. There we were, the police men turned off the best friend behavior and became ignorant and didn't really care about us being there the past 2 hours for just 2 statements. I had to use the toilet, one of them asked me to wait for another police man to come in the office because he has to show me were it is, so I waited for 30 minutes until I could take a piss. Without noticing I went mental I started to talk with the people in that office, I mean fuck it I was there to help them and I'm treated like a sack of poss, I kept talking loud and was trying to provoke a reaction from the guys in the office ... cracking jokes about police men, well nobody said a word ! but I can't describe the looks. Shortly after we were done, they thanked us for our collaboration, signed the 2 sheets of paper and of we were(after 3 hours). Then I learned that keeping calm is a really powerful weapon.

get some rest people, find your place and let things be.