Monday, July 19, 2010

Little big things

I could never understand alcoholic husbands,I used to blame them and consider them stupid. Turns out most of them are the intelligent half of the couple, trying to be efficient into guiding the other half on the right, moral and low stress path. Alcohol is not the best solution, unfortunately it starts with a regular glass of wine which serves as a mild anesthetic for the daily grind. Of course [quote]wine is fine but whiskey is quicker [/quote] but soon you'll end up looking like a 80 year old underfed mine worker. Living together with a woman proved to be a hardcore experience for me. Shit is tough when you get to argue over every little thing, I know I'm not an easy person to deal with but I can suck it up pretty good if she knows were to stop ... sometimes she wont shut up and keeps repeating the same bullshit like a fucking damaged vinyl record. If you sit in bed trying to read a book you bought 3 months ago, play your MMORPG, try to watch an episode of american dad and someone is shouting the same thing over and over again ... you might lose your temper and spend a night on the couch because you wont be able to rest besides her for being a bitch and hating her gut. Sounds like I'm really frustrated and probably I am but I will solve this problem soon, her lack of perspective scares the shit out of me and something needs to be done. Under any circumstances I wont start drinking and such but probably I will spend more time playing, reading and watching TV series.
I'm wondering how some couples manage to live in harmony without an exciting activity or awesome dreams ... for now she embraced and accepted my future plans, which is awesome and also a small victory for me. Basically this is my experience regarding my life under my own roof. I imagined that everything would be so different turns out I'm kinda loosing time somewhere and everything is exactly the same.
Everything is repeating people are exactly the same, elder folks have the same suspicious evil behavior, young chaps are like dogs guarding their territory, drunks ... each and every block has a few.
2 week holiday was a total waste of time, bored the hell out of me at least I got sleep a lot.

OK time to be grumpy ! and watch this guy drum the shit out of his drums.

Hahaha I have a face book account ... face book is for fags, ok ok I will take this one for face book
make sure people can see the nature behind ( I'm hardcore nature lover ): check
make sure they can see the brand of my shirt: check
make sure I make a duck face: check
smile mysteriously: check
get some blond bimbo's in your pictures: check
be an utterly disgusting asshole ... tongue kiss some chick in the club: check